by webteam | Apr 24, 2017 | Branding
Create a Brand Name that Withstands the Test of Time
There are a thousand different ways to name your company and depending on the market, you may need to involve a good budget for research, legal services and trademarking.
Below is just one part of that process, but we thought we’d share it with you!
Common Criteria for a good company/app names
It should be:
Meaningful (brand-building may be easier if it does what it says on the tin)
Unique (to avoid confusion / ownership issues)
Short (the shorter the better, for all kinds of reasons. The fewer syllables the better, I think)
Easy to type (if you hear it on the radio could you spell it?)
Memorable (what use is a brand name if you forget it?)
Focus Group (and/or pole)
Go over Common and Specific criteria
Print Name on one side of large card – give each person a stack and have them flip them over, one at a time
Then reveal all – Browse all with little to no talking
Go through them again and do a Gut test – IN or OUT (flip over the OUTs)
Have a chat about the ones they choose and didn’t choose.
Get them to choose their top 3 and label them 1,2,3 in order of favourite.
Internal Team Test
Try it out. Doodle the names – Say them out loud – answer the phone with the name
“Hi, thanks for calling “insert name here” how can I help you?”
is the URL Available? Check for legal problems. Do your own pole to choose THE ONE
by webteam | Sep 28, 2016 | marketing
Marketing Mix
Advertising – Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
Personal selling – Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.
Sales promotion – Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.
Public relations – Building good relationships with the company’s various publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building up a good “corporate image”, and handling or heading off unfavourable rumours, stories, and events.
Direct marketing – Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.
Fundraising – Events, letter campaigns, church relations, community events
by webteam | Jul 24, 2015 | Web Design
Forbes magazine dubbed 2015 the Year of the Mobile Web. 5 years later… we find ourselves in the age of the mobile device. It is no surprise that there is an immense amount of pressure for website owners to think mobile.
Did you know that the average smart phone user checks their phone up to 221 times a day!! Yikes?!?! That means huge business for e-commerce sites and your virtual storefront. Now your virtual store front can go anywhere the customer does. Even on the trains and subway stations. Yes, that’s right there is now wifi thanks to ideas like t-connect in the Toronto subway stations that means we are connected all the time.
Here are two useful tips from Google™ for optimizing your mobile site speed. Check out Google’s great guide on how to develop a mobile responsive website. Try to load your website on a mobile device and measure the download time.
You’ll want to make sure that mobile users are easily able to tap, drag, pinch, press and flick their way through your site if you’re hoping to make your mobile presence known.
Is your website not mobile responsive or not showing up well on your mobile phone?
Give us a call and we’ll help you out.
by webteam | Jun 4, 2015 | News, Web Apps, Web Design
Cycle Simcoe is now pleased to present the new interactive mobile friendly web app map, listing all the tourism amenities, safe cycling routes, difficulty rating and more. “If you are looking to explore by bike this summer, the Cycle Simcoe interactive map has everything you need to have a safe and enjoyable trip,” explains Donna Hewitt, Economic Development, Township of Oro-Medonte.
CS contacted Rhubarb Media to help build their guide and map app for these three regions:
Heart of Georgian Bay Routes
Ontario Lake Country Routes
South Georgian Bay Routes
“The app is getting great feedback. Everyone seems to be very impressed and we have gotten some amazing media coverage. It was a pleasure working with Rhubarb. Chad and his team acted as project partners during the entire process, keeping us involved and informed. Their work exceeded expectations and we look forward to partnering on the next phase of our map/site. I would recommend Rhubarb Media to anyone looking to stand out online.” Brendan, Cycle Simcoe
by webteam | Apr 22, 2015 | News
Hi everyone!
I started doing work with Chad in 2006 and continued a working relationship until Rhubarb hired me onto the team in 2009. I am looking forward to continuing this relationship with the Rhubarb team as well as a few others (virtually) around the world.
Since joining up with Chad and the team at Rhubarb Media in 2009 we have launched many great brands, websites and promotional campaigns. I’ve had the pleasure of growing in my creative and communications skills while expanding my horizons on what it means to be an entrepreneur.
By being involved in building up a culture of coworking at The Creative Space, I have learned the value of collaboration and learning from the other business owners. My hope is to see this coworking community continue to flourish as Barrie grows in its entrepreneurial spirit.
I look forward to seeing what great things Rhubarb continues to cultivate, develop, and produce in the coming months and years.
~ Tyler
From the Lead Rhubarbarian,
Five years ago I knew I couldn’t grow further as a company without a leader/partner with a creative eye and a sharp mind when it comes to web and design. Tyler was the guy! He’s been integral in moving us further towards being a go-to company for web design and branding in Barrie and beyond, helping us grow into new markets. Sadly for us, he’s chosen shift gears a bit with a new job and move back into some freelancing. I’ve always referred to him as my #1. (If you are a Trekky, you’ll get that reference.) He will be missed, but we wish him well and if we ever write The Book of Rhubarb, he’ll be one of the key chapters!