Stephanie Maye came to us to name her new commercial real estate company.  After extensive research, meetings, and surveys we came up with MAVEN.  One thing that sent us in this direction was a simple question and her answer.  “What do you want to be known for?”  Stephanie said, to be seen as wise and trusted.

The word maven comes from the Yiddish meyvn, meaning “one who understands.” But to be a maven you have to more than just understand a topic, you have to know its ins and outs. Often mavens are the people that you turn to as experts in a field.

Combined with her last name Maye, we found a perfect candidate.

The brand itself needed to be simple and not cluttered with an extra symbol or icon.  The addition of the horizon line was all we needed to complete this iconic and timeless brand.

Things we worked on:


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