Build a Brand Name that Will Last Forever
Create a Brand Name that Withstands the Test of Time
There are a thousand different ways to name your company and depending on the market, you may need to involve a good budget for research, legal services and trademarking.
Below is just one part of that process, but we thought we’d share it with you!
Common Criteria for a good company/app names
It should be:
Meaningful (brand-building may be easier if it does what it says on the tin)
Unique (to avoid confusion / ownership issues)
Short (the shorter the better, for all kinds of reasons. The fewer syllables the better, I think)
Easy to type (if you hear it on the radio could you spell it?)
Memorable (what use is a brand name if you forget it?)
Focus Group (and/or pole)
Go over Common and Specific criteria
Print Name on one side of large card – give each person a stack and have them flip them over, one at a time
Then reveal all – Browse all with little to no talking
Go through them again and do a Gut test – IN or OUT (flip over the OUTs)
Have a chat about the ones they choose and didn’t choose.
Get them to choose their top 3 and label them 1,2,3 in order of favourite.
Internal Team Test
Try it out. Doodle the names – Say them out loud – answer the phone with the name
“Hi, thanks for calling “insert name here” how can I help you?”
is the URL Available? Check for legal problems. Do your own pole to choose THE ONE