Rhubarb Media helps Seniors in Need
We’ve been working over the past four months with entrepreneur and seniors advocate, Peter Cook, along with Kim Mclaughlin from www.lyracommunications.com to design and develop SENIORS IN NEED. The moment we chatted with Peter, we knew we wanted to help. Knowing that great ideas deserve great marketing, we contributed the logo and design branding and worked with them to make the site happen within their budget. They are getting some great media coverage! This site is a Content Management System (CMS) build on DRUPAL and allows the sponsoring agency (eg. VON, Red Cross, etc.) to join the site and post the needs of the seniors they support. They then link a senior in need with a donor via the agency that made the submission. Please consider contacting your local social agency assisting seniors and tell them to sign up and begin to alleviate the burden of our senior citizens.
“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16